Melissa Youngblood
Co-Founder and Instructor
Melissa is a certified firearms instructor and an avid shooter. From competing in local competitions with USPSA, IDPA, Mid-Range Tactical Rifle Matches and placing top 10 in The Tactical Games, she has the skill and knowledge to teach with care and competence. She has been working to empower women who have experience helping individuals who have experienced domestic violence and assault for over 20 years as a full-time licensed therapist. She provides trauma-informed teaching that emphasizes the comfort, autonomy, choice and safety of her students. She has been teaching groups of women and individuals how to shoot for several years and has a passion for empowering women to take control of their lives and protect themselves and the ones they love. She has found in her personal experience, there is discrimination and bias against women who shoot and traditional courses can be intimidating and even hostile. She became an instructor to give women a better option.
Carly J. Detkowski
Co-Founder and Instructor
Carly is a USCCA certified firearms instructor and carries the skills and knowledge to teach with care and competence. She has been shooting since she was a child and has recently started competing in IDPA matches. From her early days of plinking targets to now navigating the excitement and challenges of defensive pistol matches, her journey showcases the power of persistence and passion. Surviving past encounters with sexual and relationship-based violence not only inspired her to take ownership of her personal safety, but has fueled her commitment to emboldening and empowering women in their lives to do the same. She teaches mindfulness, meditation, women's self-defense, CPL classes and refreshers, and provides personalized firearms training, and firearms consults. Her passion lies in guiding women towards achieving empowerment by honing essential life skills for safety and mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
We book our firearms and self defense classes on the USCCA official website in accordance with their instructor policies. Click one of the buttons above to see our upcoming class offerings or feel free to call or email.